Dec 18, 2012
A Humanity Reminder
I look around and see a place created by perfection yet all I see is its absence, a world with a toxic combination of fear, hate, rage and death. People fear that the truth of their imperfections will be revealed so they mask it with ridicule towards others. The fear subsides and bonds with a strong element of hatred. A hatred use to abhor things in others that you once feared would be revealed in yourself, but the imperfection never fades so what was once hate transforms to rage, a burning anger that cannot be satisfied with the ridicule of others. Its new target is itself and that’s when rage ends and evolves to death.
I look around and see a place created by perfection yet all I see is its absence. There is a chemical imbalance in the atmosphere due to its lack of purity. Those with love only experience it temporarily before the blood of others creates a stain of pain. A young girl looses her innocence to a lying tongue that bathed her in its saliva’s stench, losing her sweet scent. A once empty womb, a child now bears that will live out its days imagining the image of her invisible father. At first her minded will paint bright and happy pictures that are filled with hope of his return, but as she goes on to the world and time goes by, the colors of her image will fade so she will use the colors that surround her in the darkness of her despair and paint the picture black and grey.
I look around and see a place created by perfection yet all I see is its absence. I do not know if God weeps, but if I were Him, I’d flood the world with tears of disappointment. I would make waves of from them and wash away the world from its existence. I do not know if God dreams but I were Him, I would avoid my guilt and built a dream out of denial. I would never send salvation and spare my child.
I will never be able to fathom God’s rational for loving us unconditionally despite our daily self-destructive behavior. I look around and see a place created by perfection and I’m reminded how undeserving I am to share its creator.
Nov 20, 2012
Love's Casualties
She was 19.
A dreamer whose imagination and aspirations
Were limited by what surrounded her,
She had faith in fairytales,
A true believer in a happy ending
She wasn’t naïve
Just hopeful
He was 24.
A laborer whose intelligence and ambition
Were turning his life into endless possibilities
He was a man before he had a chance to finish being a child.
A man of principals with few possessions
But with many expectations
A true believer in hard work
He wasn’t stern
Just resourceful
He met her.
His body had a magnetic reaction to hers.
She met Him.
Her heart dropped by a force greater than gravity’s
Both, overwhelmed by ecstasy
That was caused as a reaction to their union,
Did what only they could do, love.
A love so strong and shameless
It resulted in a child called passion.
Passion was a testimony of their unity.
He and She evolved to a We.
This encounter created a family.
He was her prince, her dream.
Her new obsession was him.
He was worth everything to her.
Eventually, her dreams and fairytales
Grew to nightmares and folktales
She heard stories of men who ran away.
She had horrors about him being lured by another.
She was a fragrance that masked
the stench of his dreadful past.
She was the playmate
He never had the chance to meet.
But soon the fragrance grew too overwhelming
And the games were no longer fun.
She loved him a little too much
And he could not love her enough
Passion was the only connection they had
He loved her enough to know
She deserved better and let her go.
She loved him too much to see
The man she loved, leave
Jun 30, 2012
A Man Dressed as a Hero
There was a time I held you up on a pedestal. You were up there with God, not on the same level but pretty damn close. You were fierce, powerful and immortal. There was nothing in life too big or too strong that could defeat you. I did not have to resort to fictional characters like Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman when I lived with the real deal in my very own home. I'd look at you and wonder how on earth did I get so lucky share a single drop of blood that ran through my veins with such an amazing man. I’d pray every night to God to bless me with a fraction of your greatness. I wasn't quiet about my admiration either. I'd let everyone know they should be privilege to share the same room with you. I'd retell stories of your conquest despite the overwhelming obstacles you over came & victory obtained.
Men would walk up to me and try to shower me with compliments and gifts hoping that my heart to them I’d give. But once learned that there is such thing as greatness, it’s hard to settle for anything less. I decided my worth should be that much more because I was made with sperm of a man that managed to be as close as any human has to God. A man of such stature doesn’t bore worthless children. If I couldn’t find a man as might as he, I wanted no man at all.
It took me almost 21 years to realize, that man was never real. I’d like to think that it was because until now he finally met defeat but I knew better. The truth is that I made excuses for him because the truth I refused to believe but there is only so much one can conceal. The tragedy of idolizing a man is that it is only a matter of time before his imperfections are revealed.
Men would walk up to me and try to shower me with compliments and gifts hoping that my heart to them I’d give. But once learned that there is such thing as greatness, it’s hard to settle for anything less. I decided my worth should be that much more because I was made with sperm of a man that managed to be as close as any human has to God. A man of such stature doesn’t bore worthless children. If I couldn’t find a man as might as he, I wanted no man at all.
It took me almost 21 years to realize, that man was never real. I’d like to think that it was because until now he finally met defeat but I knew better. The truth is that I made excuses for him because the truth I refused to believe but there is only so much one can conceal. The tragedy of idolizing a man is that it is only a matter of time before his imperfections are revealed.
Jun 29, 2012
A Huntsman Called Reality
Reality is huntsman waiting on the sidelines for its next kill
We are its prey
Trying to escape an inevitable death
Fugitives running great distances
To flee from reality's grasp
He hunts for pleasure
Playing a game where we are unaware of our roles
One moment we are his playmates
And the next his opponents
Stuck in a game where he is the player, judge and referee
He is not afraid to play dirty
He is merciless
His greatest pleasure are targeting the weak and hearing their screaming pleads
We can run away or hide
But no matter what we cant escape the reality of our lives
Only to end in front of the very thing we ran from
Finding ourselves in a circumstance that will define our lives
We are left with one question
Flight or fight?
Jun 27, 2012
A Documented Farewell- inspired by A Fool for Love by Sam Sheperd
My dearest lover,
I can’t do this anymore. I am tired of being the only one fighting for us. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in this relationship, making all the effort but not getting any results. I am tired of this emotional roller coaster you put me through. One moment I am in complete ecstasy from our love and the next I am heart broken ‘cause you’re gone.
Well now it’s me who leaves. I am not sticking around anymore. I refuse to be a pawn in your game. I am not one of your broken down stallions you can tie down and be sure it will stay there waiting for you. I am no longer the foolish girl who waited at all hours of the night and worried away whenever she saw you walkout the door worry and wonder if this time you won’t come back. I realized that although my love for you is passionate and probably eternal, it is not worth my sanity.
Our love was cursed way before our birth. Our father was too greedy that being in love with your mother wasn’t enough. He had to go find another heart to drain love out of but unlike your mother who was his first he did not have to love her back at least not as much. See, once he drained her to fill empty whole that took his heart’s place he disposed of her and disappeared.
Our parents left us their legacy in our genes. From our father you inherited the black hole that took place of your hear. From my mother I inherited the desperation to be loved. But I refuse to reenact our parents’ tragic pasts. My love for you should not be more than the love a sister has for a brother.
It’s taken me till now when I am well in my 30’s to realize how filled of sin this love affair has become. As if incest were not enough, we been at this for 15 years and we still behave like children overwhelmed by emotions. We fell in love too young, so young I never got a chance to love myself before I loved you. We need to let go of this past we been hanging to in order to have a better future even if that future does not involve being together.
Your eternal lover
I can’t do this anymore. I am tired of being the only one fighting for us. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in this relationship, making all the effort but not getting any results. I am tired of this emotional roller coaster you put me through. One moment I am in complete ecstasy from our love and the next I am heart broken ‘cause you’re gone.
Well now it’s me who leaves. I am not sticking around anymore. I refuse to be a pawn in your game. I am not one of your broken down stallions you can tie down and be sure it will stay there waiting for you. I am no longer the foolish girl who waited at all hours of the night and worried away whenever she saw you walkout the door worry and wonder if this time you won’t come back. I realized that although my love for you is passionate and probably eternal, it is not worth my sanity.
Our love was cursed way before our birth. Our father was too greedy that being in love with your mother wasn’t enough. He had to go find another heart to drain love out of but unlike your mother who was his first he did not have to love her back at least not as much. See, once he drained her to fill empty whole that took his heart’s place he disposed of her and disappeared.
Our parents left us their legacy in our genes. From our father you inherited the black hole that took place of your hear. From my mother I inherited the desperation to be loved. But I refuse to reenact our parents’ tragic pasts. My love for you should not be more than the love a sister has for a brother.
It’s taken me till now when I am well in my 30’s to realize how filled of sin this love affair has become. As if incest were not enough, we been at this for 15 years and we still behave like children overwhelmed by emotions. We fell in love too young, so young I never got a chance to love myself before I loved you. We need to let go of this past we been hanging to in order to have a better future even if that future does not involve being together.
Your eternal lover
May 27, 2012
The Inheritance of Hypocrisy
We came here to escape
the tyranny and persecution of having a different faith.
To a land where, one’s
beliefs wouldn’t be condemned
And in arrival to such
a land
We made it law that
government will not be influence by faith.
Writing it in our
land’s DNA, “church separate from state.”
But it seemed as if
the scars of disdain, judgment, and humiliation were not deep enough.
For we soon became the
very thing, we escape from.
Enslaving people and
making them our minions.
We who claimed to be
Christians became victims of the deadliest assassin of humanity,
Poisoning ourselves
with self-righteousness
To church, we went to
flaunt our good Christian ways
While simultaneously
in our plantations gods we played
Some of us managed the
poison to spit
And enlightenment of
our misdoings reach
And onto others
repentance preach
But others had already
Declaring, “they are
heathens. They should be hanged in gallows.”
Soon, the revolution
made them realize that was untrue
And with redemption
washed hypocrisy’s lethal brew
Some remained unaffected
And like the God they claimed
to praised, hypocrisy resurrected
The inheritance of a
dream of justice and equality remained unclaimed
The ancestral goal, we
still were unable to attain
Seduced by the power of
We slowly lost our humanity
Making humanity foe
And hypocrisy friend
Willingly drinking his
venom of self-righteousness
“Arrogance! Intolerance!”,
he encourages
Banning abortion,
Islam, Obama Care, and immigrants
Self-proclaimed gods
We stand tall on pedestals
As we pick and choose what’s ethical
Ancestral hopes of justice
and liberty
Are found now buried under
the corpse of humility
But somewhere embedded
in our land’s DNA
Are traces of these
words, “church separate from state”
The words are still
there, but for its execution
We still wait.
Mar 8, 2012
Our Lives were Meant to Intertwine

Our lives were meant to intertwine.
It’s like God could not fit so much greatness in one person, so he split us in two.
No one is perfect but together no one has been so close.
I did not love you the first time I saw you, but my heart pounded so hard it hurt my chest. Telling me I should have.
I did not see you the first time we met because my eyes watered from overjoy before the image went to my head, so God kept mapping out our lives with intersection to each other’s paths.
Until finally, my body, mind and soul were able to manage the power your presence held over me.
It was an inexplicable chemical reaction that released a compound with every interaction to my body it was unheard of.
Its effect was complete utter happiness and satisfaction.
What we had was never physical but every moment felt orgasmic.
Just one single word would have to roll out of either one of our mouths that became the origin of a dialogue that would last several hours until one of us was reminded that reality waited for us in the morning.
Our dreams and visions of the future were filled with connections that force each other’s presence in order for their realization.
Our convictions are aligned by the backbone of our tragic pasts.
Our paths are emerged due to the compass of our hearts leading to the same destination.
With each moment shared, God’s plans became clear like the ending of a puzzle whose pieces finally came together revealing an amazing art piece. The fragments of our encounters were the puzzle pieces that when connected formed an epiphany that is our love for one another.
But by then it was already too late
Our lives were meant to intertwine.
It’s like God could not fit so much greatness in one person, so he split us in two.
No one is perfect but together no one has been so close.
I did not love you the first time I saw you, but my heart pounded so hard it hurt my chest. Telling me I should have.
But I did not listen and powered through the pain.
I did not see you the first time we met because my eyes watered from overjoy before the image went to my head so I walked past you and into his arms.
God kept mapping out our lives with intersection to each other’s paths.
Until finally, my body, mind and soul were able to manage the power your presence held over me.
But by then, I already have given my heart away.
Jan 18, 2012
Nature vs. Nurture
Have you notice when people’s life is really crappy? I mean people who have gone there whole life and achieved very little or most of what they have achieved is negative always seem to blame their environment and upbringings. It has to be one of the two if not nurture certainly it had to be nature. Why not make it both?! I’m not going to sit here and say that neither nature or nurture have no effect on our identity or beliefs but they are completely irrelevant to our actions.
Everybody has something that they struggled with or a traumatic event, granted it is not all equally harsh for some reason life isn’t that objective and to some she has more prejudice in some than in others. However, that does not justify your decision to live a life of crime, tragedy, or failure. How can I say such an absurd thing, you ask? Well simple because life has provided vast amount of evidence when we see movies based on a homeless girl who got into Harvard, or a gangbanger acting as a cop in one of television’s best show. And please do not give me a rebuttal that obtains the phrases “one in a million” because although they are not cases from day to day case there are many. It is not always hue or drastic like the ones we here about but there are people out there who cutting off all ties with statistics. It can be as simple as being the first to graduate from college even if it is community college it’s still a step up.
I am not saying overcoming this obstacle and turning them into a positive outcome is a walk in the park but it is not impossible. Being molested as a child doesn’t condemn you to a life abuse or despicable crime. You can sit there and victimize yourself as you never live past that experience or you can learn from it and move on. It’s what you do with that experience that will determine your satisfaction with yourself and the respect others have for you.
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