Nov 3, 2009


why is it that you can't wake up and get over something? why is it the thing we remember the most is pain? we replay it over and over in our minds. we try to deny the fact that something is wrong and go about our days, swearing that what happened in the past is the past. well it is not and it sucks. the past is not simply the past. if you've been told that your past does not matter, i have bad news for you it does! in fact a big part of your past has a lot to do with were you are today. whether we like it or not our past will remain ours.

Oct 8, 2009

Lost and alone he stands
No more hands reaching out
He thought he had it all figured out
Yet he looks in the mirror filled with doubt
No longer knowing who the person back is all about

They tried to reach their arms
But they can’t be around him anymore it does them more harm
The friend they tried to save was lost with all the smoke he inhaled
If you’re not honest with yourself you’ll fail
And his story will be your tale

Aug 19, 2009

I’ve been through it all, the heart breaks and tears
Millions of overwhelming obstacles each year
And yet I stand after my falls
Filled with bruises of hardships to recall
Life is hard there is no doubt about it
They key is knowing to take every hit
And learning from your falls and getting up bit by bit

May 12, 2009


I feel trapped its more powerful than I imagined;
It goes beyond my control I’m there for you even when
I rather be some where else, where seeing your face does not bring so much pain
And it forces me to hide behind a mask and smile, and laugh
As if everything was okay as if you did not make me go through all that hurt and woe;
I should be enraged, filled with wrath, for allowing you to waste my time and letting you block me from my path
I was fine before you came around and turned my world upside down
I was a loner; independent didn’t need anyone by my side
Always going about my way never having trouble with what to say,
But all that changed the minute you came my way
Because of you I finally grew speechless never able to find words to say
My independence, you stole now I fear always to be alone, without you;
And I wonder will it always be this way, me trapped, hopeless and powerless in an ongoing cycle of pain and fear, love and hate; the worse part is that you don’t realize that this is all you cause and for now I sit on the side lines waiting hoping that one day you may.

May 4, 2009

No time to play got to keep my head on the road ready to face whatever is ahead. It may be a tornado, a hurricane, swine flu but there is nothing I can’t do. Whatever obstacle in my way will be an opportunity to grow stronger. For those who want to bring me down I welcome you with open arms, just remember that it is your hate and envy that pushes me and lifts me above the ground. Like my friends but love my haters.

Mar 21, 2009


The world collides
Humanity lies at your shoulder
One wrong move and you loose it all
No chance of redemption
No one there to give you some comprehension
You strive and hold on
Tears, sweat, pain
Nonbelievers find your effort to be done in vain
They don’t think you can get your life back to the right lane
They pity you as a fool
Filled with hopeless dreams
It is they who should be pitied
Wishing bad on to you just so that they can
Be reassured that just like them you too will fail
But they are wrong you see
They do not realize that it is in their hatred that
You find the inspiration and energy to flourish
And grow but unlike them selfish you wont be
You will do with your success what they failed to do
And that it, to nourish

Feb 9, 2009


Fram. That’s what you are we have a bond that binds us, arm to arm, for a lifetime like family but stronger than blood, greater than genetics or even destiny. We are a bond connected to memories of pain, tears, joy and a whole lot more. And what makes it special is that it was not decided by faith or destiny; its better than that. It was decided by you and me. (to all my frams <3 )

Jan 28, 2009

babe we have a deep unique connection it goes beyond all perfection i love you and you love me there is no looking any other direction <3
Babe our love is real there is no compromise it’s a done deal our vows to eternal love is sealed