I’ve let them in & at first they are tender
Lifting my hopes up that I may have finally
Found the one but as soon as I’m careless
They beat me senseless to reality’s ground
Forcing me after to wear the bruises in public
Making me the perfect shame display
Some times it did not need to be strangers
It could easily be family members
The people you share a strand of DNA
Who you grown up with and
Seem to know your entire life time
Approach you like in any other ordinary way
And as usual you receive them with open arms
Too blind to see the knife they are hiding
Behind their back
And when you least expect they’ve driven you to
Play a game where they are the butcher
And you are the helpless terrorized creature about to meet your tragic death
Slicing you into fine, tiny pieces of meat
Your blood splashing on their face
And as if nothing wrong has occurred
They take a shower and clean up
Then serve the rest of the family

Their best cooked meal
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