Sep 1, 2016

To All the Nice Guys

 Being nice isn't luxurious or  a unique quality. It is the standard. Just because you're nice, it doesn't entitle you to "get the girl."  The girl who knows her worth expects kindness & respect from everyone not out of entitlement but because she knows she gives what she deserves. It doesn't take much to be kind & respectful so that alone is not impressive. You need passion, ambition, intelligence, resilience. You need to maker laugh when she's so overwhelmed by the world she's forgotten life's delights. You need to encourage her & pick her up when all hope has escaped her. You need to be able to remind her of the type of person she is when she's lost herself in a maze of despair. You need to love her even when she feels she's unworthy of it. Nice guys will always finish last if that's the only thing they have to offer.
Kindness is the standard not the exception.

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