Dec 7, 2010

Reenactment- lovers' tragic cycle

Reenactment- lovers' tragic cycle

Once a victim now a murderer
I, once stood in your place with
My stolen soul, my hindered heart
And my faint faith unable to fight
Alone in the battle field,
Creating a cause but feeling no effect
Giving your entirety,
Without realizing its gravity.
Loving and not being loved
All that adulation is in vain
I recognize that face; I know that pain.

Now, I am your murderer.
You are a tragedy no one could save.
Once you realize who I am; it will be too late.
All I can do now is ask you not to think of me as heartless
As I stab and look into your eyes
I see my reflection in you and relive the pain
Because just like you I was once the victim

But, now I am the murderer

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