Dec 3, 2013

Struggle Reminds

Sometimes, we find ourselves in the most difficult circumstances in which resolutions seem impossible, but it is in the midst of these moments of despair that we are reminded of our strength. Too often we get comfortable when everything is going accordingly. We begin to settle with what we have that we forget how to fight. Our lives transform into a cycle of daily routines that it becomes our security blankets. We stop striving for happiness and instead are satisfied with content. 

Sometimes we find ourselves in the most difficult circumstances in which resolutions seem impossible but it is in the midst of these moments of despair that we are reminded of our strength. Sometimes we need to be reminded how to fight for the things we want and step out of our comfort zone and strive. We need to be reminded to aim for what we know we deserve instead of just taking what society gives us. We need to be reminded what it feels like to want something so bad that failure is not an option because it is those tough times that gave us the strength to get this far. 

Sometimes we need to go through the most difficult circumstances to remind ourselves that we are more than survivors. We are warriors.