Feeling my eye water
But not the tear drops.
Seeing my cheeks redden
But not them burn.
Hearing my heart beat
But not the blood flow.
Tasting my saliva, as it drown my tongue
But not the hunger that started it all.
Smelling your sweet scent
But not remembering where it went.
You fled & in my brain left a dent,
But that isn’t enough to feel your touch.
I can no longer feel my skin tingle & my stomach turn,
Recalling the climax build as you drew closer to me.
I can no longer inhale large portions of your scent
That left a temporary footprint in the air.
Enough to get high
But never to overdose.
I can no longer hear your voice linger in my ear.
I can no longer taste your honeyed, salty skin
As I kissed your back.
As comforting as it is for me, our memories, to recall,
The feelings lack
Second hand emotions can never capture it all.