May 29, 2010

Not the girl for you

I am not the girl for you but I am in love with you
I know I cannot give you or do all the things your perfect girl can do but I am in love with you & that has to count for something
I know you feel something too but it is my restrictions that yield our chemistry  
The atoms are ready to explode it's instability of protrons & electrons are culminating counting down each second before it's own distruction 
The intensity can no longer hide 
It exposes its self everytime we touch 
The hunger grows in our eyes 
We both want something more
But there is only so much I can give & that isn't enough to satisfy your hunger
Although part of me wants to satisfy you the other part understands that 
Feeding you would be a betrayal to myself
You're the guy for me but do you love me enough to ask of nothing more than I can give you?