Jun 1, 2020


My body is shaking. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’ve been on social media looking at different outlets trying to stay updated with everything that’s going on with the #BlackLivesMatter movement. I wanted to know what was happening. I wanted to see all footages of protests across the world (yes, world! This isn’t just an American problem.)

My body is vibrating, head to toe.  I don’t even want to eat. I don’t want any anger I feel right now to subside… not yet. I need to feel this anger, so I read the news where articles I come across articles ignoring  hours of peaceful protests in exchange for a more exciting headlines involving violence and mayhem. I need to feel this anger.

My blood boils at the sound of cries from my people throughout centuries that have been silenced. I want to feel the culmination of anger all my ancestors felt.
This anger does not seek blood but justice and equality. It is the fuel we will use to continue the fight against oppression.

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